The Center for Advanced Radiation Sources

CARS is a center within The University of Chicago that manages the operation of three sectors at the Advanced Photon Source.


Dedicated to state-of-the-art research on Earth materials.


Dedicated to synchrotron-based dynamic studies in structural biology and physical sciences.


Dedicated to static and dynamic condensed matter chemistry and materials science.

Center for Advanced Radiation Sources (CARS)

The Center for Advanced Radiation Sources (CARS) is a center within The University of Chicago that manages the operation of three sectors comprising 7 beamlines at the Advanced Photon Source (APS), a high-brilliance synchrotron X-ray source at Argonne National Laboratory.  Our cutting-edge facilities are available to scientists worldwide.

Dosimeters Required on APS Experimental Hall

Dosimeters are required on the experiment floor, and everyone accessing the floor must have up-to-date GERT certification. Some areas of the floor may still be considered radiation areas. Access may be restricted to those areas for an undetermined period. Please pay attention and follow local signage.


APS Dosimetry Information and FAQs
New Dosimetry Registration Process Launches Aug 20, 2024

Important Information

For the latest Argonne user site access information, please visit:
APS User Information

For the latest University of Chicago health precautions, campus updates, and CDC guidelines, please visit:
UChicago GoForward


Remembering Stuart Rice

January 6, 1932 – December 22, 2024

Our Mission

The Center carries out these functions:

Research and development is focused in two areas:

  • Design of novel optical components, such as x-ray monochromators, mirrors, shutters, slits, windows and beam stops.
  • Development of new experimental strategies in such areas as high-speed data acquisition and reduction and x-ray phase determination.

Operations are funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, the National Institutes of Health, and the National Science Foundation.

The Center operates as an interdisciplinary resource that includes an extensive central design and technology team.  We believe that the best science is carried out in an interdisciplinary mode and that the substantial design and technological problems each discipline faces are best addressed in a central, cooperative manner.