areaDetector Prosilica driver

February 27, 2013

Mark Rivers

University of Chicago



This is an EPICS areaDetector driver for Gigabit Ethernet and Firewire cameras from Allied Vision Technologies, who purchased Prosilica. The driver is supported under Windows, Linux and Mac OS X using the vendor library provided for those operating systems.

This driver inherits from ADDriver. It implements nearly all of the parameters in asynNDArrayDriver.h and in ADArrayDriver.h. It also implements a number of parameters that are specific to the Prosilica cameras. The prosilica class documentation describes this class in detail.

Implementation of standard driver parameters

The driver redefines the choices for several of the parameters defined in ADDriver.h. The ADTriggerMode choices for the Prosilica are:

The Prosilica supports hardware timing input and output signals that are supported in the driver.

The NDDataType choices for the Prosilica are:

The NDColorMode choices for the Prosilica are:

The color Prosilica cameras are also capable of various YUV color formats but these are not supported in the driver. They may be added in a future release.

Prosilica specific parameters

The Prosilica driver implements the following parameters in addition to those in asynNDArrayDriver.h and ADDriver.h:

Parameter Definitions in prosilica.cpp and EPICS Record Definitions in prosilica.template
Parameter index variable asyn interface Access Description drvInfo string EPICS record name EPICS record type
Bayer Color Conversion
PSBayerConvert asynInt32 r/w Color conversion when NDColorMode is Bayer:
None: Raw Bayer images are passed to the plugins
RGB1: Bayer images are converted to RGB1
RGB2: Bayer images are converted to RGB2
RGB3: Bayer images are converted to RGB3
Having the camera send Bayer images uses 3 times less network bandwidth than sending RGB1 images. It does place more CPU load on the host to convert from Bayer to RGB, but this is often an acceptable tradeoff.
PS_BAYER_CONVERT $(P)$(R)BayerConvert
Trigger and I/O Control
PSTriggerEvent asynInt32 r/w The edge or level for the selected trigger signal when ADTriggerMode=Sync In 1 to SyncIn 4. Allowed values are:
Rising edge
Falling edge
Any edge
High level
Low level
PS_TRIGGER_EVENT $(P)$(R)TriggerEvent
PSTriggerDelay asynFloat64 r/w The delay in seconds between the trigger signal and when the frame is actually acquired. Minimum value is 1 microsecond. PS_TRIGGER_DELAY $(P)$(R)TriggerDelay
PSTriggerOverlap asynInt32 r/w Controls the behavior when an external trigger signal arrives before the camera is ready for the next trigger. Allowed values are:
Off - the external trigger is ignored
Previous frame - the external trigger is latched and triggers the next frame when the current frame completes
PS_TRIGGER_OVERLAP $(P)$(R)TriggerOverlap
PSTriggerSoftware asynInt32 r/w Processing this record performs a software trigger if ADTriggerMode=Software. PS_TRIGGER_SOFTWARE $(P)$(R)TriggerSoftware bo
PSSyncIn1Level asynInt32 r/o The level of the Sync In 1 signal PS_SYNC_IN_1_LEVEL $(P)$(R)SyncIn1Level_RBV bi
PSSyncIn2Level asynInt32 r/o The level of the Sync In 2 signal PS_SYNC_IN_2_LEVEL $(P)$(R)SyncIn2Level_RBV bi
PSSyncOut1Mode asynInt32 r/w The mode of the Sync Out 1 signal. Allowed values are:
GPO (general purpose output)
PS_SYNC_OUT_1_MODE $(P)$(R)SyncOut1Mode
PSSyncOut1Level asynInt32 r/w The level of the Sync Out 1 signal. This is only programmable when SyncOut1Mode=GPO. PS_SYNC_OUT_1_LEVEL $(P)$(R)SyncOut1Level
PSSyncOut1Invert asynInt32 r/w Flag to invert the Sync Out 1 signal. PS_SYNC_OUT_1_INVERT $(P)$(R)SyncOut1Invert
PSSyncOut2Mode asynInt32 r/w The mode of the Sync Out 2 signal. Allowed values are the same as for PSSyncOut1Mode. PS_SYNC_OUT_2_MODE $(P)$(R)SyncOut2Mode
PSSyncOut2Level asynInt32 r/w The level of the Sync Out 2 signal. This is only programmable when SyncOut2Mode=GPO. PS_SYNC_OUT_2_LEVEL $(P)$(R)SyncOut2Level
PSSyncOut2Invert asynInt32 r/w Flag to invert the Sync Out 2 signal. PS_SYNC_OUT_2_INVERT $(P)$(R)SyncOut2Invert
PSSyncOut3Mode asynInt32 r/w The mode of the Sync Out 3 signal. Allowed values are the same as for PSSyncOut1Mode. PS_SYNC_OUT_3_MODE $(P)$(R)SyncOut3Mode
PSSyncOut3Level asynInt32 r/w The level of the Sync Out 3 signal. This is only programmable when SyncOut3Mode=GPO. PS_SYNC_OUT_3_LEVEL $(P)$(R)SyncOut3Level
PSSyncOut3Invert asynInt32 r/w Flag to invert the Sync Out 3 signal. PS_SYNC_OUT_3_INVERT $(P)$(R)SyncOut3Invert
PSStrobe1Mode asynInt32 r/w The mode of the Strobe 1 signal. The Strobe signals are based on the following values, but allow for changing the delay and width relative to the underlying value. Any of the outputs can be set to the Stobe1 value, rather than the raw values of these signals. Allowed values are:
PS_STROBE_1_MODE $(P)$(R)Strobe1Mode
PSStrobe1CtlDuration asynInt32 r/w Flag to allow controlling the strobe duration. PS_STROBE_1_CTL_DURATION $(P)$(R)Strobe1CtlDuration
PSStrobe1Duration asynFloat64 r/w The strobe duration if PSStrobe1CtlDuration is On. PS_STROBE_1_DURATION $(P)$(R)Strobe1Duration
PSStrobe1Delay asynFloat64 r/w The strobe delay relative to the underlying signal that the strobe is based on. PS_STROBE_1_DELAY $(P)$(R)Strobe1Delay
Timestamp Control
PSResetTimer asynInt32 r/w Resets the timestamp timer in the camera. If PSTimestampType is POSIX or EPICS then it also stores the current POSIX or EPICS time in the driver. PS_RESET_TIMER $(P)$(R)PSResetTimer longout
PSTimestampType asynInt32 r/w Controls the type of timestamp in the timeStamp field of each NDArray. Choices are:
  • NativeTicks: The number of internal camera clock ticks which have elapsed since the last timer reset.
  • NativeSeconds: The number of seconds which have elapsed since the last timer reset. This is NativeTicks divided by the internal camera clock frequency.
  • POSIX: The number of seconds since the POSIX Epoch (00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970).
  • EPICS The number of seconds since the EPICS Epoch (January 1, 1990).
The POSIX and EPICS timestamps are calculated as follows: when the timer is reset the current POSIX or EPICS time is stored, and the internal camera timer is reset. The timestamps are then computed by adding the camera ticks (converted to seconds) to the stored POSIX or EPICS time. Thus, the relative times of each frame are accurately controlled by the internal camera clock. The accuracy of the absolute time is determined by the accuracy of the time of day clock in the IOC computer.
Statistics Information
PSReadStatistics asynInt32 r/w Read the Gigabit Ethernet statistics when 1 PS_READ_STATISTICS $(P)$(R)PSReadStatistics longout
PSStatDriverType asynOctet r/o Driver type PS_DRIVER_TYPE $(P)$(R)PSDriverType_RBV stringin
PSStatFilterVersion asynOctet r/o Packet filter version PS_FILTER_VERSION $(P)$(R)PSFilterVersion_RBV stringin
PSStatFrameRate asynFloat64 r/o Frame rate (Hz) PS_FRAME_RATE $(P)$(R)PSFrameRate_RBV ai
PSByteRate asynInt32 r/w Stream bytes per second in the PvAPI driver. This allows limiting the bandwidth that a camera uses. It also allows operation of GigE cameras on non-Gigabit Ethernet networks by decreasing the value to maximum that the network supports. The default of 115000000 allows full-speed operation on GigE networks. PS_BYTE_RATE $(P)$(R)PSByteRate
PSPacketSize asynInt32 r/o Actual packet size of Ethernet packets. When connecting to the camera the driver always automatically negotiates the largest packet size that the camera and IOC computer support. PS_PACKET_SIZE $(P)$(R)PSPacketSize_RBV longin
PSStatFramesCompleted asynInt32 r/o Number of frames completed PS_FRAMES_COMPLETED $(P)$(R)PSFramesCompleted_RBV longin
PSStatFramesDropped asynInt32 r/o Number of frames dropped PS_FRAMES_DROPPED $(P)$(R)PSFramesDropped_RBV longin
PSStatPacketsErroneous asynInt32 r/o Number of erroneous packets PS_PACKETS_ERRONEOUS $(P)$(R)PSPacketsErroneous_RBV longin
PSStatPacketsMissed asynInt32 r/o Number of missed packets PS_PACKETS_MISSED $(P)$(R)PSPacketsMissed_RBV longin
PSStatPacketsReceived asynInt32 r/o Number of received packets PS_PACKETS_RECEIVED $(P)$(R)PSPacketsReceived_RBV longin
PSStatPacketsRequested asynInt32 r/o Number of packets requested PS_PACKETS_REQUESTED $(P)$(R)PSPacketsRequested_RBV longin
PSStatPacketsResent asynInt32 r/o Number of packets resent PS_PACKETS_RESENT $(P)$(R)PSPacketsResent_RBV longin
PSBadFrameCounter asynInt32 r/o Number of bad frames PS_BAD_FRAME_COUNTER $(P)$(R)PSBadFrameCounter_RBV longin


The Prosilica driver is created with the prosilicaConfig command, either from C/C++ or from the EPICS IOC shell.

int prosilicaConfig(char *portName,
                    const char* cameraId,
                    int maxBuffers, size_t maxMemory,
                    int priority, int stackSize, int maxPvAPIFrames)

The cameraId string can be any of the following:

Using the UniqueId has the advantage that the cameras can be configured to use DHCP, and hence have non-predictable TCP/IP addresses. However, if the UniqueId is used then the areaDetector IOC must be on the same subnet as the camera, since cameras cannot be found by UniqueID through routers. The simplest way to determine the uniqueId of a camera is to run the Prosilica GigEViewer application, select the camera, and press the "i" icon on the bottom of the main window to show the camera information for this camera. The Unique ID will be displayed on the first line in the information window.

The IP address or IP DNS name can be used for cameras with fixed IP addresses, and must be used for cameras that are not on the local subnet.

The maxPvAPIFrames parameter controls how many frame buffers will be used by the PvAPI library. This is the last parameter in the prosilicaConfig command, and if it is absent the default value of 2 is used, which is sufficient in most circumstances. However, with very high frame rates or busy IOCs increasing this value can reduce dropped frames.

For details on the meaning of the other parameters to this function refer to the detailed documentation on the prosilicaConfig function in the prosilica.cpp documentation and in the documentation for the constructor for the prosilica class.

There an example IOC boot directory and startup script (iocBoot/iocProsilica/st.cmd) provided with areaDetector.

MEDM screens

The following is the MEDM screen prosilica.adl.



The following is the MEDM screen that provides access to the specific parameters for the Prosilica detector.



The following is an IDL epics_ad_display screen displaying the Prosilica detector images.


Connection management

The Prosilica driver implements connection management. Cameras do not need to be accessible when the IOC starts up, and can be power-cycled or disconnected and reconnected from the Ethernet without restarting the IOC.

Whenever a new camera is detected on the network the Prosilica library issues a callback to the driver. If the driver is not currently connected to a camera it will attempt to connect when receiving the callback. This mechanism should work no matter how the camera is identified in the startup script, i.e. by Unique ID, IP address, or IP name. It is also possible to manually connect and disconnect the camera by using the $(P)$(R)AsynIO.CNCT PV, which is labeled "Connect" and "Disconnect" on the medm screen.

If the camera is not accessible when the IOC boots, or is power-cycled then the EPICS output records may not match the actual camera settings and readbacks. They can be made to agree by processing the output record, e.g. by pressing Enter or Return in the medm output widget. In the future this may be improved by sending all of the EPICS settings to the camera when it connects, though it is not clear if this would always be the desired behavior.