Support for EPICS Time Stamps in areaDetector R2-0

March 3, 2014

Mark Rivers

University of Chicago


Several changes to support EPICS time stamps in areaDetector were made in areaDetector/ADCore R2-0. These are used by setting the TSE field in the EPICS records to -2. The record support then directly uses the TIME field in the record as the timestamp. Device support must have properly set the TIME field in the record.

Setting the timestamp when the driver processes, rather than later on when the record processes can be desirable because the timestamp then reflects more accurately the actual time that the I/O operation was performed. It is also desirable to allow for a user-defined function to provide the timestamp, rather than being restricted to simply calling epicsTimeGetCurrent(). For example, the driver may be associated with a particular EPICS event, and the user-defined function would then call epicsTimeGetEvent() with that event ID. This can also return a site-specific time format. For example at LCLS epicsTimeGetEvent() returns a timestamp where the low-order bits of the nsec field encode the pulse ID. They want the areaDetector drivers to read that timestamp as soon as possible after the I/O is complete. In areaDetector these timestamps should also be written to data files by the standard file-writing plugins whenever possible.

asyn R4-22 added new timestamp support functions to asynManager and asynPortDriver. areaDetector R2-0 uses these new functions. now.

NDArray changes

A new field has been added to the NDArray class. This is the definition of that field.

epicsTimeStamp epicsTS;  /**< The epicsTimeStamp; this is set with
                           * pasynManager->updateTimeStamp(), 
                           * and can come from a user-defined timestamp source. */

asynNDArrayDriver changes

Two new asynInt32 parameters have been added to the asynNDArrayDriver class.

2 new records have been added to NDPluginBase.template.

Detector driver changes

All detector drivers required a single-line addition of a call to updateTimeStamp, like the following:

         pImage->timeStamp = startTime.secPastEpoch + startTime.nsec / 1.e9;

The drivers were already setting the double NDArray.timeStamp field, typically with the time from a call to epicsTimeGetCurrent. The call to asynPortDriver::updateTimeStamp calls pasynManager->updateTimeStamp(), which gets the current time either from its internal time stamp source function, or from a user-defined timestamp source function. This line has been added to all detector drivers in areaDetector. Any detector drivers that are not part of the areaDetector module will also need this line to be added.

NDPluginDriver changes

NDPluginDriver, which is the base class from which all plugins derive has had the following additions to the NDPluginDriver::processCallbacks() method:

     setIntegerParam(NDColorMode, colorMode);
     setIntegerParam(NDBayerPattern, bayerPattern);
     setIntegerParam(NDUniqueId, pArray->uniqueId);
+    setTimeStamp(&pArray->epicsTS);
     setDoubleParam(NDTimeStamp, pArray->timeStamp);
+    setIntegerParam(NDEpicsTSSec, pArray->epicsTS.secPastEpoch);
+    setIntegerParam(NDEpicsTSNsec, pArray->epicsTS.nsec);
     /* See if the array dimensions have changed.  If so then do callbacks on them. */

It calls setTimeStamp with the epicsTimeStamp from NDArray that was passed to the plugin. setTimeStamp sets the internal timestamp in pasynManager. This is the timestamp that will be used for all callbacks to device support and read() operations in this plugin asynPortDriver. Thus, the record timestamps will come from the NDArray passed to the plugin if the record TSE field is -2. It also sets the new asynNDArrayDriver NDEpicsTSSec and NDEpicsTSNsec parameters to the fields from the NDArray.epicsTS. These records can then be used to monitor the EPICS timestamp in the NDArray even if TSE is not -2.

NDPluginStdArrays changes

The pasynUser->timestamp field is now set from the NDArray.epicsTS field for both array callbacks and array read operations. The waveform records holding the NDArray data thus have the timestamps from the NDArray if TSE=-2.

NDFileNetCDF changes

The netCDF file writing plugin was changed to write 2 new variables to every netCDF file for each NDArray. epicsTSSec contains NDArray.epicsTS.secPastEpoch. epicsTSNsec contains NDArray.epicsTS.nsec. Note that these variables are arrays of length numArrays, where numArrays is the number of NDArrays (images) in the file. It was not possible to write the timestamp as a single 64-bit value because the classic netCDF file format does not support 64-bit integers.

NDFileTIFF changes

The TIFF file writing plugin previously had one user-defined TIFF tag that contained the double NDArray.timeStamp field.

Tag=65000, field name=NDTimeStamp, field_type=TIFF_DOUBLE, value=NDArray.timeStamp. 

3 new TIFF tags have been added to each TIFF file:

Tag=65001, field name=NDUniqueId, field_type=TIFF_LONG, value=NDArray.uniqueId.
Tag=65002, field name=EPICSTSSec, field_type=TIFF_LONG, value=NDArray.epicsTS.secPastEpoch.
Tag=65003, field name=EPICSTSNsec, field_type=TIFF_LONG, value=NDArray.epicsTS.nsec.

It was not possible to write the timestamp as a single 64-bit value because TIFF does not support 64-bit integer tags. It does have a type called TIFF_RATIONAL which is a pair of 32-bit integers. However, when reading such a tag what is returned is the quotient of the two numbers, which is not what is desired.


ADApp/ADSrc/myTimeStampSource.cpp is a new file that contains an example of a user-defined timestamp source. The timestamp source in that file simply calls epicsTimeGetCurrent(&timeStamp) and then sets timeStamp.nsec=0, so the time stamp is always an integer number of seconds. This makes it easy to tell that the user-defined timestamp source is being used. That function is loaded and unloaded with the new commands that were recently added to asyn:

registerTimeStampSource("port", "myTimeStampSource")



A new shell script for testing has been added in ADCore/iocs/simDetectorIOC/iocBoot/ This script takes 2 arguments: $1=PV prefix, $2=TSE value for records being monitored. The script first sets the TSE field of all records being monitored to $2, and then runs camonitor on all of the PVs. It monitors some PVs from the detector database (ADBase.template), some PVs from the NDPluginStdArrays plugin (image1), some PVs from the NDPluginROI plugin (ROI1), and some PVs from the NDPluginStats plugin (Stats1). The plugins are arranged with Prosilica driver->ROI1->Stats1. Thus, monitoring timestamps on the Stats1 plugin tests whether the timestamps are passed correctly through a plugin chain. The timestamp tests were done with the Prosilica camera running at a fixed rate of 2 frames/sec. Tests were done with TSE=0 (normal operation), TSE=-2 with default timestamp source, and TSE=-2 with the user-defined timestamp source.

Timestamp test 1. TSE=0

corvette:~/devel/areaDetector/iocBoot>./ 13PS1 0
Old : 13PS1:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV.TSE 0
New : 13PS1:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV.TSE 0
Old : 13PS1:image1:ArrayCounter_RBV.TSE 0
New : 13PS1:image1:ArrayCounter_RBV.TSE 0
Old : 13PS1:image1:UniqueId_RBV.TSE  0
New : 13PS1:image1:UniqueId_RBV.TSE  0
Old : 13PS1:image1:ArrayData.TSE     0
New : 13PS1:image1:ArrayData.TSE     0
Old : 13PS1:image1:EpicsTSSec_RBV.TSE 0
New : 13PS1:image1:EpicsTSSec_RBV.TSE 0
Old : 13PS1:image1:EpicsTSNsec_RBV.TSE 0
New : 13PS1:image1:EpicsTSNsec_RBV.TSE 0
Old : 13PS1:ROI1:ArrayCounter_RBV.TSE 0
New : 13PS1:ROI1:ArrayCounter_RBV.TSE 0
Old : 13PS1:ROI1:UniqueId_RBV.TSE    0
New : 13PS1:ROI1:UniqueId_RBV.TSE    0
Old : 13PS1:Stats1:ArrayCounter_RBV.TSE 0
New : 13PS1:Stats1:ArrayCounter_RBV.TSE 0
Old : 13PS1:Stats1:UniqueId_RBV.TSE  0
New : 13PS1:Stats1:UniqueId_RBV.TSE  0
Old : 13PS1:Stats1:MeanValue_RBV.TSE 0
New : 13PS1:Stats1:MeanValue_RBV.TSE 0
13PS1:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV    2013-09-15 12:00:19.230659 1 20529  
13PS1:image1:ArrayCounter_RBV  2013-09-15 12:00:19.231246 1 20529  
13PS1:image1:UniqueId_RBV      2013-09-15 12:00:19.231249 1 20529  
13PS1:image1:ArrayData         2013-09-15 12:00:19.231243 1 33  
13PS1:image1:EpicsTSSec_RBV    2013-09-15 12:00:19.231253 1 748112419  
13PS1:image1:EpicsTSNsec_RBV   2013-09-15 12:00:19.231255 1 230464364  
13PS1:ROI1:ArrayCounter_RBV    2013-09-15 12:00:19.230632 1 20455  
13PS1:ROI1:UniqueId_RBV        2013-09-15 12:00:19.230635 1 20529  
13PS1:Stats1:ArrayCounter_RBV  2013-09-15 12:00:19.237740 1 20455  
13PS1:Stats1:UniqueId_RBV      2013-09-15 12:00:19.237743 1 20529  
13PS1:Stats1:MeanValue_RBV     2013-09-15 12:00:19.237758 1 73.3657  
13PS1:ROI1:ArrayCounter_RBV    2013-09-15 12:00:19.730675 1 20456  
13PS1:ROI1:UniqueId_RBV        2013-09-15 12:00:19.730739 1 20530  
13PS1:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV    2013-09-15 12:00:19.730760 1 20530  
13PS1:image1:ArrayData         2013-09-15 12:00:19.731286 1 33  
13PS1:image1:ArrayCounter_RBV  2013-09-15 12:00:19.731348 1 20530  
13PS1:image1:UniqueId_RBV      2013-09-15 12:00:19.731352 1 20530  
13PS1:image1:EpicsTSNsec_RBV   2013-09-15 12:00:19.731357 1 730472829  
13PS1:Stats1:ArrayCounter_RBV  2013-09-15 12:00:19.737856 1 20456  
13PS1:Stats1:UniqueId_RBV      2013-09-15 12:00:19.737866 1 20530  
13PS1:Stats1:MeanValue_RBV     2013-09-15 12:00:19.737889 1 73.6318  
13PS1:ROI1:ArrayCounter_RBV    2013-09-15 12:00:20.230544 1 20457  
13PS1:ROI1:UniqueId_RBV        2013-09-15 12:00:20.230604 1 20531  
13PS1:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV    2013-09-15 12:00:20.230650 1 20531  
13PS1:image1:ArrayData         2013-09-15 12:00:20.231253 1 33  
13PS1:image1:ArrayCounter_RBV  2013-09-15 12:00:20.231316 1 20531  
13PS1:image1:UniqueId_RBV      2013-09-15 12:00:20.231320 1 20531  
13PS1:image1:EpicsTSSec_RBV    2013-09-15 12:00:20.231327 1 748112420  
13PS1:image1:EpicsTSNsec_RBV   2013-09-15 12:00:20.231332 1 230366264  
13PS1:Stats1:ArrayCounter_RBV  2013-09-15 12:00:20.237810 1 20457  
13PS1:Stats1:UniqueId_RBV      2013-09-15 12:00:20.237885 1 20531  
13PS1:Stats1:MeanValue_RBV     2013-09-15 12:00:20.237911 1 74.2664  
13PS1:ROI1:ArrayCounter_RBV    2013-09-15 12:00:20.730565 1 20458  
13PS1:ROI1:UniqueId_RBV        2013-09-15 12:00:20.730625 1 20532  
13PS1:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV    2013-09-15 12:00:20.730644 1 20532  
13PS1:image1:ArrayData         2013-09-15 12:00:20.731285 1 32  
13PS1:image1:ArrayCounter_RBV  2013-09-15 12:00:20.731325 1 20532  
13PS1:image1:UniqueId_RBV      2013-09-15 12:00:20.731330 1 20532  
13PS1:image1:EpicsTSNsec_RBV   2013-09-15 12:00:20.731376 1 730415475  
13PS1:Stats1:ArrayCounter_RBV  2013-09-15 12:00:20.738065 1 20458  
13PS1:Stats1:UniqueId_RBV      2013-09-15 12:00:20.738103 1 20532  
13PS1:Stats1:MeanValue_RBV     2013-09-15 12:00:20.738127 1 74.8682  
13PS1:ROI1:ArrayCounter_RBV    2013-09-15 12:00:21.230629 1 20459  
13PS1:ROI1:UniqueId_RBV        2013-09-15 12:00:21.230648 1 20533  
13PS1:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV    2013-09-15 12:00:21.230678 1 20533  
13PS1:image1:ArrayData         2013-09-15 12:00:21.231301 1 32  
13PS1:image1:ArrayCounter_RBV  2013-09-15 12:00:21.231341 1 20533  
13PS1:image1:UniqueId_RBV      2013-09-15 12:00:21.231345 1 20533  
13PS1:image1:EpicsTSSec_RBV    2013-09-15 12:00:21.231352 1 748112421  
13PS1:image1:EpicsTSNsec_RBV   2013-09-15 12:00:21.231355 1 230466245  
13PS1:Stats1:ArrayCounter_RBV  2013-09-15 12:00:21.237705 1 20459  
13PS1:Stats1:UniqueId_RBV      2013-09-15 12:00:21.237716 1 20533  
13PS1:Stats1:MeanValue_RBV     2013-09-15 12:00:21.237734 1 75.4404  

This test shows the expected normal behavior. Each record is processing every 0.5 seconds. The timestamps for each record in the group are slightly different because the timestamp is generated when the record processes.

Timestamp test 2. TSE=-2, default timestamp source

corvette:~/devel/areaDetector/iocBoot>./ 13PS1 -2
Old : 13PS1:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV.TSE -2
New : 13PS1:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV.TSE -2
Old : 13PS1:image1:ArrayCounter_RBV.TSE -2
New : 13PS1:image1:ArrayCounter_RBV.TSE -2
Old : 13PS1:image1:UniqueId_RBV.TSE  -2
New : 13PS1:image1:UniqueId_RBV.TSE  -2
Old : 13PS1:image1:ArrayData.TSE     -2
New : 13PS1:image1:ArrayData.TSE     -2
Old : 13PS1:image1:EpicsTSSec_RBV.TSE -2
New : 13PS1:image1:EpicsTSSec_RBV.TSE -2
Old : 13PS1:image1:EpicsTSNsec_RBV.TSE -2
New : 13PS1:image1:EpicsTSNsec_RBV.TSE -2
Old : 13PS1:ROI1:ArrayCounter_RBV.TSE -2
New : 13PS1:ROI1:ArrayCounter_RBV.TSE -2
Old : 13PS1:ROI1:UniqueId_RBV.TSE    -2
New : 13PS1:ROI1:UniqueId_RBV.TSE    -2
Old : 13PS1:Stats1:ArrayCounter_RBV.TSE -2
New : 13PS1:Stats1:ArrayCounter_RBV.TSE -2
Old : 13PS1:Stats1:UniqueId_RBV.TSE  -2
New : 13PS1:Stats1:UniqueId_RBV.TSE  -2
Old : 13PS1:Stats1:MeanValue_RBV.TSE -2
New : 13PS1:Stats1:MeanValue_RBV.TSE -2
13PS1:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV    2013-09-15 12:03:55.228895 1 20961  
13PS1:image1:ArrayCounter_RBV  2013-09-15 12:03:55.228895 1 20961  
13PS1:image1:UniqueId_RBV      2013-09-15 12:03:55.228895 1 20961  
13PS1:image1:ArrayData         2013-09-15 12:03:55.228895 1 40  
13PS1:image1:EpicsTSSec_RBV    2013-09-15 12:03:55.228895 1 748112635  
13PS1:image1:EpicsTSNsec_RBV   2013-09-15 12:03:55.228895 1 228895370  
13PS1:ROI1:ArrayCounter_RBV    2013-09-15 12:03:55.228895 1 20887  
13PS1:ROI1:UniqueId_RBV        2013-09-15 12:03:55.228895 1 20961  
13PS1:Stats1:ArrayCounter_RBV  2013-09-15 12:03:55.228895 1 20887  
13PS1:Stats1:UniqueId_RBV      2013-09-15 12:03:55.228895 1 20961  
13PS1:Stats1:MeanValue_RBV     2013-09-15 12:03:55.228895 1 85.0236  
13PS1:ROI1:ArrayCounter_RBV    2013-09-15 12:03:55.728924 1 20888  
13PS1:ROI1:UniqueId_RBV        2013-09-15 12:03:55.728924 1 20962  
13PS1:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV    2013-09-15 12:03:55.728924 1 20962  
13PS1:image1:ArrayData         2013-09-15 12:03:55.728924 1 38  
13PS1:image1:ArrayCounter_RBV  2013-09-15 12:03:55.728924 1 20962  
13PS1:image1:UniqueId_RBV      2013-09-15 12:03:55.728924 1 20962  
13PS1:image1:EpicsTSNsec_RBV   2013-09-15 12:03:55.728924 1 728923543  
13PS1:Stats1:ArrayCounter_RBV  2013-09-15 12:03:55.728924 1 20888  
13PS1:Stats1:UniqueId_RBV      2013-09-15 12:03:55.728924 1 20962  
13PS1:Stats1:MeanValue_RBV     2013-09-15 12:03:55.728924 1 84.8537  
13PS1:ROI1:ArrayCounter_RBV    2013-09-15 12:03:56.229066 1 20889  
13PS1:ROI1:UniqueId_RBV        2013-09-15 12:03:56.229066 1 20963  
13PS1:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV    2013-09-15 12:03:56.229066 1 20963  
13PS1:image1:ArrayData         2013-09-15 12:03:56.229066 1 39  
13PS1:image1:ArrayCounter_RBV  2013-09-15 12:03:56.229066 1 20963  
13PS1:image1:UniqueId_RBV      2013-09-15 12:03:56.229066 1 20963  
13PS1:image1:EpicsTSSec_RBV    2013-09-15 12:03:56.229066 1 748112636  
13PS1:image1:EpicsTSNsec_RBV   2013-09-15 12:03:56.229066 1 229065628  
13PS1:Stats1:ArrayCounter_RBV  2013-09-15 12:03:56.229066 1 20889  
13PS1:Stats1:UniqueId_RBV      2013-09-15 12:03:56.229066 1 20963  
13PS1:Stats1:MeanValue_RBV     2013-09-15 12:03:56.229066 1 84.968  
13PS1:ROI1:ArrayCounter_RBV    2013-09-15 12:03:56.728913 1 20890  
13PS1:ROI1:UniqueId_RBV        2013-09-15 12:03:56.728913 1 20964  
13PS1:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV    2013-09-15 12:03:56.728913 1 20964  
13PS1:image1:ArrayData         2013-09-15 12:03:56.728913 1 38  
13PS1:image1:ArrayCounter_RBV  2013-09-15 12:03:56.728913 1 20964  
13PS1:image1:UniqueId_RBV      2013-09-15 12:03:56.728913 1 20964  
13PS1:image1:EpicsTSNsec_RBV   2013-09-15 12:03:56.728913 1 728913237  
13PS1:Stats1:ArrayCounter_RBV  2013-09-15 12:03:56.728913 1 20890  
13PS1:Stats1:UniqueId_RBV      2013-09-15 12:03:56.728913 1 20964  
13PS1:Stats1:MeanValue_RBV     2013-09-15 12:03:56.728913 1 85.035  
13PS1:ROI1:ArrayCounter_RBV    2013-09-15 12:03:57.228957 1 20891  
13PS1:ROI1:UniqueId_RBV        2013-09-15 12:03:57.228957 1 20965  
13PS1:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV    2013-09-15 12:03:57.228957 1 20965  
13PS1:image1:ArrayData         2013-09-15 12:03:57.228957 1 38  
13PS1:image1:ArrayCounter_RBV  2013-09-15 12:03:57.228957 1 20965  
13PS1:image1:UniqueId_RBV      2013-09-15 12:03:57.228957 1 20965  
13PS1:image1:EpicsTSSec_RBV    2013-09-15 12:03:57.228957 1 748112637  
13PS1:image1:EpicsTSNsec_RBV   2013-09-15 12:03:57.228957 1 228957340  
13PS1:Stats1:ArrayCounter_RBV  2013-09-15 12:03:57.228957 1 20891  
13PS1:Stats1:UniqueId_RBV      2013-09-15 12:03:57.228957 1 20965  
13PS1:Stats1:MeanValue_RBV     2013-09-15 12:03:57.228957 1 84.9281

This test shows the expected result. The timestamps within a single 0.5 second group are identical, which is different from test 1. Timestamps for the Prosilica driver records (13PS1:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV) are coming from the most recent call by the driver to updateTimeStamp(). Timestamps for all of the plugin records are coming from the NDArray.epicsTS field, which is used in the call to setTimeStamp() in the plugin driver. The default timestamp source is clearly being used because the fractional seconds are non-zero. This has the desired result that all records associated with a particular image have the timestamp at the time the Prosilica driver received that image.

Timestamp test 3. TSE=-2, user timestamp source

corvette:~/devel/areaDetector/iocBoot>./ 13PS1 -2
Old : 13PS1:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV.TSE -2
New : 13PS1:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV.TSE -2
Old : 13PS1:image1:ArrayCounter_RBV.TSE -2
New : 13PS1:image1:ArrayCounter_RBV.TSE -2
Old : 13PS1:image1:UniqueId_RBV.TSE  -2
New : 13PS1:image1:UniqueId_RBV.TSE  -2
Old : 13PS1:image1:ArrayData.TSE     -2
New : 13PS1:image1:ArrayData.TSE     -2
Old : 13PS1:image1:EpicsTSSec_RBV.TSE -2
New : 13PS1:image1:EpicsTSSec_RBV.TSE -2
Old : 13PS1:image1:EpicsTSNsec_RBV.TSE -2
New : 13PS1:image1:EpicsTSNsec_RBV.TSE -2
Old : 13PS1:ROI1:ArrayCounter_RBV.TSE -2
New : 13PS1:ROI1:ArrayCounter_RBV.TSE -2
Old : 13PS1:ROI1:UniqueId_RBV.TSE    -2
New : 13PS1:ROI1:UniqueId_RBV.TSE    -2
Old : 13PS1:Stats1:ArrayCounter_RBV.TSE -2
New : 13PS1:Stats1:ArrayCounter_RBV.TSE -2
Old : 13PS1:Stats1:UniqueId_RBV.TSE  -2
New : 13PS1:Stats1:UniqueId_RBV.TSE  -2
Old : 13PS1:Stats1:MeanValue_RBV.TSE -2
New : 13PS1:Stats1:MeanValue_RBV.TSE -2
13PS1:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV    2013-09-15 12:13:25.000000 1 22102  
13PS1:image1:ArrayCounter_RBV  2013-09-15 12:13:25.000000 1 22102  
13PS1:image1:UniqueId_RBV      2013-09-15 12:13:25.000000 1 22102  
13PS1:image1:ArrayData         2013-09-15 12:13:25.000000 1 27  
13PS1:image1:EpicsTSSec_RBV    2013-09-15 12:13:25.000000 1 748113205  
13PS1:image1:EpicsTSNsec_RBV   2013-09-15 12:13:22.000000 1 0  
13PS1:ROI1:ArrayCounter_RBV    2013-09-15 12:13:25.000000 1 22028  
13PS1:ROI1:UniqueId_RBV        2013-09-15 12:13:25.000000 1 22102  
13PS1:Stats1:ArrayCounter_RBV  2013-09-15 12:13:25.000000 1 22028  
13PS1:Stats1:UniqueId_RBV      2013-09-15 12:13:25.000000 1 22102  
13PS1:Stats1:MeanValue_RBV     2013-09-15 12:13:25.000000 1 59.7119  
13PS1:ROI1:ArrayCounter_RBV    2013-09-15 12:13:26.000000 1 22029  
13PS1:ROI1:UniqueId_RBV        2013-09-15 12:13:26.000000 1 22103  
13PS1:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV    2013-09-15 12:13:26.000000 1 22103  
13PS1:image1:ArrayData         2013-09-15 12:13:26.000000 1 28  
13PS1:image1:ArrayCounter_RBV  2013-09-15 12:13:26.000000 1 22103  
13PS1:image1:UniqueId_RBV      2013-09-15 12:13:26.000000 1 22103  
13PS1:image1:EpicsTSSec_RBV    2013-09-15 12:13:26.000000 1 748113206  
13PS1:Stats1:ArrayCounter_RBV  2013-09-15 12:13:26.000000 1 22029  
13PS1:Stats1:UniqueId_RBV      2013-09-15 12:13:26.000000 1 22103  
13PS1:Stats1:MeanValue_RBV     2013-09-15 12:13:26.000000 1 60.5082  
13PS1:ROI1:ArrayCounter_RBV    2013-09-15 12:13:26.000000 1 22030  
13PS1:ROI1:UniqueId_RBV        2013-09-15 12:13:26.000000 1 22104  
13PS1:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV    2013-09-15 12:13:26.000000 1 22104  
13PS1:image1:ArrayData         2013-09-15 12:13:26.000000 1 28  
13PS1:image1:ArrayCounter_RBV  2013-09-15 12:13:26.000000 1 22104  
13PS1:image1:UniqueId_RBV      2013-09-15 12:13:26.000000 1 22104  
13PS1:Stats1:ArrayCounter_RBV  2013-09-15 12:13:26.000000 1 22030  
13PS1:Stats1:UniqueId_RBV      2013-09-15 12:13:26.000000 1 22104  
13PS1:Stats1:MeanValue_RBV     2013-09-15 12:13:26.000000 1 61.1341  
13PS1:ROI1:ArrayCounter_RBV    2013-09-15 12:13:27.000000 1 22031  
13PS1:ROI1:UniqueId_RBV        2013-09-15 12:13:27.000000 1 22105  
13PS1:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV    2013-09-15 12:13:27.000000 1 22105  
13PS1:image1:ArrayData         2013-09-15 12:13:27.000000 1 29  
13PS1:image1:ArrayCounter_RBV  2013-09-15 12:13:27.000000 1 22105  
13PS1:image1:UniqueId_RBV      2013-09-15 12:13:27.000000 1 22105  
13PS1:image1:EpicsTSSec_RBV    2013-09-15 12:13:27.000000 1 748113207  
13PS1:Stats1:ArrayCounter_RBV  2013-09-15 12:13:27.000000 1 22031  
13PS1:Stats1:UniqueId_RBV      2013-09-15 12:13:27.000000 1 22105  
13PS1:Stats1:MeanValue_RBV     2013-09-15 12:13:27.000000 1 62.0059  
13PS1:ROI1:ArrayCounter_RBV    2013-09-15 12:13:27.000000 1 22032  
13PS1:ROI1:UniqueId_RBV        2013-09-15 12:13:27.000000 1 22106  
13PS1:cam1:ArrayCounter_RBV    2013-09-15 12:13:27.000000 1 22106  
13PS1:image1:ArrayData         2013-09-15 12:13:27.000000 1 30  
13PS1:image1:ArrayCounter_RBV  2013-09-15 12:13:27.000000 1 22106  
13PS1:image1:UniqueId_RBV      2013-09-15 12:13:27.000000 1 22106  
13PS1:Stats1:ArrayCounter_RBV  2013-09-15 12:13:27.000000 1 22032  
13PS1:Stats1:UniqueId_RBV      2013-09-15 12:13:27.000000 1 22106  
13PS1:Stats1:MeanValue_RBV     2013-09-15 12:13:27.000000 1 62.6052  

This test shows the expected result. The timestamps within a single 0.5 second group are identical, the same as test 2. The user timestamp source is clearly being used because the fractional seconds are all zero. This has the desired result that all records associated with a particular image have the timestamp at the time the Prosilica driver received that image, and the user-defined timestamp source is being used.

netCDF file test

The netCDF files should now contain the NDArray.epicsTS data in two arrays. The values do not depend on TSE, since that only affects the record timestamps. The values do depend on whether the default timestamp source or the user-defined timestamp source is being used. For these tests 10 images were collected in each netCDF file in "stream" mode.

This is the output of the "ncdump" utility on a netCDF file collected with the default timestamp source:

corvette:~/scratch>ncdump -v uniqueId,timeStamp,epicsTSSec,epicsTSNsec ~/scratch/
netcdf test_DefaultSource_001 {
        numArrays = UNLIMITED ; // (10 currently)
        dim0 = 512 ;
        dim1 = 680 ;
        attrStringSize = 256 ;
        int uniqueId(numArrays) ;
        double timeStamp(numArrays) ;
        int epicsTSSec(numArrays) ;
        int epicsTSNsec(numArrays) ;
        byte array_data(numArrays, dim0, dim1) ;
        int Attr_BayerPattern(numArrays) ;
        int Attr_ColorMode(numArrays) ;
        double Attr_AcquireTime(numArrays) ;
        char Attr_CameraModel(numArrays, attrStringSize) ;
        int Attr_FramesDropped(numArrays) ;

// global attributes:
                :dataType = 1 ;
                :NDNetCDFFileVersion = 3. ;
                :numArrayDims = 2 ;
                :dimSize = 680, 512 ;
                :dimOffset = 0, 0 ;
                :dimBinning = 2, 2 ;
                :dimReverse = 0, 0 ;
                :Attr_BayerPattern_DataType = "Int32" ;
                :Attr_BayerPattern_Description = "Bayer Pattern" ;
                :Attr_BayerPattern_Source =  ;
                :Attr_BayerPattern_SourceType = "Driver" ;
                :Attr_ColorMode_DataType = "Int32" ;
                :Attr_ColorMode_Description = "Color Mode" ;
                :Attr_ColorMode_Source =  ;
                :Attr_ColorMode_SourceType = "Driver" ;
                :Attr_AcquireTime_DataType = "Float64" ;
                :Attr_AcquireTime_Description = "Camera acquire time" ;
                :Attr_AcquireTime_Source = "13PS1:cam1:AcquireTime" ;
                :Attr_AcquireTime_SourceType = "EPICS_PV" ;
                :Attr_CameraModel_DataType = "String" ;
                :Attr_CameraModel_Description = "CameraModel" ;
                :Attr_CameraModel_Source = "MODEL" ;
                :Attr_CameraModel_SourceType = "Param" ;
                :Attr_FramesDropped_DataType = "Int32" ;
                :Attr_FramesDropped_Description = "FramesDropped" ;
                :Attr_FramesDropped_Source = "PS_FRAMES_DROPPED" ;
                :Attr_FramesDropped_SourceType = "Param" ;

 uniqueId = 23569, 23570, 23571, 23572, 23573, 23574, 23575, 23576, 23577, 
    23578 ;

 timeStamp = 748113951.240688, 748113951.740688, 748113952.240688, 
    748113952.740688, 748113953.240688, 748113953.740688, 748113954.240688, 
    748113954.740688, 748113955.240688, 748113955.740688 ;

 epicsTSSec = 748113951, 748113951, 748113952, 748113952, 748113953, 
    748113953, 748113954, 748113954, 748113955, 748113955 ;

 epicsTSNsec = 259958854, 759958117, 259985340, 759984911, 259874142, 
    760020860, 259933342, 759950117, 259764554, 759964413 ;

This shows the expected result. The epicsTSNsec values are non-zero, because the default timestamp source is being used. The epicsTSSec values are the same as the integer part of the timeStamp values.

This is the output of the "ncdump" utility on a netCDF file collected with the user-defined timestamp source:

corvette:~/scratch>ncdump -v uniqueId,timeStamp,epicsTSSec,epicsTSNsec ~/scratch/ 
netcdf test_UserSource_001 {
        numArrays = UNLIMITED ; // (10 currently)
        dim0 = 512 ;
        dim1 = 680 ;
        attrStringSize = 256 ;
        int uniqueId(numArrays) ;
        double timeStamp(numArrays) ;
        int epicsTSSec(numArrays) ;
        int epicsTSNsec(numArrays) ;
        byte array_data(numArrays, dim0, dim1) ;
        int Attr_BayerPattern(numArrays) ;
        int Attr_ColorMode(numArrays) ;
        double Attr_AcquireTime(numArrays) ;
        char Attr_CameraModel(numArrays, attrStringSize) ;
        int Attr_FramesDropped(numArrays) ;

// global attributes:
                :dataType = 1 ;
                :NDNetCDFFileVersion = 3. ;
                :numArrayDims = 2 ;
                :dimSize = 680, 512 ;
                :dimOffset = 0, 0 ;
                :dimBinning = 2, 2 ;
                :dimReverse = 0, 0 ;
                :Attr_BayerPattern_DataType = "Int32" ;
                :Attr_BayerPattern_Description = "Bayer Pattern" ;
                :Attr_BayerPattern_Source =  ;
                :Attr_BayerPattern_SourceType = "Driver" ;
                :Attr_ColorMode_DataType = "Int32" ;
                :Attr_ColorMode_Description = "Color Mode" ;
                :Attr_ColorMode_Source =  ;
                :Attr_ColorMode_SourceType = "Driver" ;
                :Attr_AcquireTime_DataType = "Float64" ;
                :Attr_AcquireTime_Description = "Camera acquire time" ;
                :Attr_AcquireTime_Source = "13PS1:cam1:AcquireTime" ;
                :Attr_AcquireTime_SourceType = "EPICS_PV" ;
                :Attr_CameraModel_DataType = "String" ;
                :Attr_CameraModel_Description = "CameraModel" ;
                :Attr_CameraModel_Source = "MODEL" ;
                :Attr_CameraModel_SourceType = "Param" ;
                :Attr_FramesDropped_DataType = "Int32" ;
                :Attr_FramesDropped_Description = "FramesDropped" ;
                :Attr_FramesDropped_Source = "PS_FRAMES_DROPPED" ;
                :Attr_FramesDropped_SourceType = "Param" ;

 uniqueId = 24063, 24064, 24065, 24066, 24067, 24068, 24069, 24070, 24071, 
    24072 ;

 timeStamp = 748114198.240688, 748114198.740688, 748114199.240688, 
    748114199.740688, 748114200.240688, 748114200.740688, 748114201.240688, 
    748114201.740688, 748114202.240688, 748114202.740688 ;

 epicsTSSec = 748114198, 748114198, 748114199, 748114199, 748114200, 
    748114200, 748114201, 748114201, 748114202, 748114202 ;

 epicsTSNsec = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;

This shows the expected result. The epicsTSNsec values are zero, because the user-defined timestamp source is being used. The epicsTSSec values are the same as the integer part of the timeStamp values.

TIFF file test

The netCDF files should now contain the NDArray.epicsTS data in two tags, 65002 and 65003. The values do not depend on TSE, since that only affects the record timestamps. The values do depend on whether the default timestamp source or the user-defined timestamp source is being used.

This is the output of the "tiffinfo" utility on a TIFF file collected with the default timestamp source:

corvette:~/scratch>tiffinfo tiff_DefaultTS_001.tif
TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, tiff_DefaultTS_001.tif: unknown field with tag 65000 (0xfde8) encountered.
TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, tiff_DefaultTS_001.tif: unknown field with tag 65001 (0xfde9) encountered.
TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, tiff_DefaultTS_001.tif: unknown field with tag 65002 (0xfdea) encountered.
TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, tiff_DefaultTS_001.tif: unknown field with tag 65003 (0xfdeb) encountered.
TIFF Directory at offset 0x55008 (348168)
  Image Width: 680 Image Length: 512
  Bits/Sample: 8
  Sample Format: unsigned integer
  Compression Scheme: None
  Photometric Interpretation: min-is-black
  Samples/Pixel: 1
  Rows/Strip: 512
  Planar Configuration: single image plane
  Make: Unknown
  Model: Unknown
  Tag 65000: 748114737.240688
  Tag 65001: 25141
  Tag 65002: 748114737
  Tag 65003: 254905820

This shows the expected result. The epicsTSNsec (tag 65003) values are non-zero, because the default timestamp source is being used. The epicsTSSec values are the same as the integer part of the timeStamp values.

This is the output of the "tiffinfo" utility on a TIFF file collected with the used-defined timestamp source:

corvette:~/scratch>tiffinfo tiff_UserTS_001.tif 
TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, tiff_UserTS_001.tif: unknown field with tag 65000 (0xfde8) encountered.
TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, tiff_UserTS_001.tif: unknown field with tag 65001 (0xfde9) encountered.
TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, tiff_UserTS_001.tif: unknown field with tag 65002 (0xfdea) encountered.
TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, tiff_UserTS_001.tif: unknown field with tag 65003 (0xfdeb) encountered.
TIFF Directory at offset 0x55008 (348168)
  Image Width: 680 Image Length: 512
  Bits/Sample: 8
  Sample Format: unsigned integer
  Compression Scheme: None
  Photometric Interpretation: min-is-black
  Samples/Pixel: 1
  Rows/Strip: 512
  Planar Configuration: single image plane
  Make: Unknown
  Model: Unknown
  Tag 65000: 748114762.240688
  Tag 65001: 25191
  Tag 65002: 748114762
  Tag 65003: 0

This shows the expected result. The epicsTSNsec (tag 65003) values are zero, because the user-defined timestamp source is being used. The epicsTSSec values are the same as the integer part of the timeStamp values.

Future plans

While making these changes I found that the NDFileNexus and NDFileHDF5 plugins, which write Nexus-HDF5 and native HDF5 files respectively, do not currently store the NDArray.timeStamp information at all in the files. This is an oversight that should be fixed, and they should of course be extended to also store NDArray.epicsTS. I did not write these plugins, so I am hoping that the original authors can make these changes.