Still photos of the before (left) and after view of the experiment hall floor at the ChemMatCARS beamline. The cameras mentioned below are mounted on the yellow railing at left in the “after” photo.
Work has begun in earnest on the NSF’sChemMatCARS new second insertion device beamline, in conjunction with the Advanced Photon Source (APS) upgrade. Efforts directed at upgrading the existing ChemMatCARS instruments are also ramping up. An article describing the beamline upgrade projects appeared in the first issue of this newsletter and can be read here.
Clicking this link will take you to a time-lapse video that shows an overview of the experiment hall floor at ChemMatCARS Sector 15 of the APS being cleared for the new beamline. When construction begins this October, the video project will be restarted; that video will be made available as well.
This video project is headed by Charlie Smith, Senior Systems Administrator for the Center for Advanced Radiation Sources (CARS) at the University of Chicago’s Physical Sciences Division. (CARS manages the BioCARS and GeoSoilEnviroCARS sectors at the APS in addition to ChemMatCARS.) Smith is assisted in this effort by Christofanis Skordas, Software Developer with GeoSoilEnviroCARS.
The duo has employed two GoPro Hero 9 cameras located atop an adjacent BioCARS research station that affords a clear view of the work at Sector 15. The video captures 1 frame per hour; Smith and Skorda plan on capturing research station construction beginning in October at a rate 1 frame every 30 minutes for more fluid viewing experience.