Due to COVID-19 pandemic, we were unable to run this program onsite at ChemMatCARS this year. Fortunately, one of the recipients of GSRAC, Carmen Chen, a doctoral student from Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology (GIT) was able to work to on her project remotely, supervised by Dr. Yu-Sheng Chen.

In the summer of 2021, Carmen met with Dr. Yu-Sheng Chen, NSF’s ChemMatCARS’ postdoctoral researchers Tieyan Chand and Ying-Pin Chen at least twice a week over Zoom. Her goal for this internship is  learning as much as she could about crystallography. After 6 weeks of working with NSF’s ChemMatCARS staffs, Carmen said, “To that end, I now feel comfortable about processing and solving MOF structures during any future potential trips to NSF’s ChemMatCARS beamline for my thesis work.”

Photo: Carmen Chen (Georgia Institute of Technology)