The blueschist to eclogite transition is one of the major geochemicalmetamorphic processes typifying the subduction zone, which releases fluids triggering earthquakes and arc volcanism. Although glaucophane is an index hydrous mineral for the blueschist facies, its stability at mantle depths in diverse subduction regimes of contemporary and early Earth has not been experimentally determined. Here, we show that the maximum depth of glaucophane stability increases with decreasing thermal gradients of the subduction system. Along cold subduction geotherm, glaucophane remains stable down ca. 240 km depth, whereas it dehydrates and breaks down at as shallow as ca. 40 km depth under warm subduction geotherm or the Proterozoic tectonic setting. Our results imply that secular cooling of the Earth has extended the stability of glaucophane and consequently enabled the transportation of water into deeper interior of the Earth, suppressing arc magmatism, volcanism, and seismic activities along subduction zones.

Yoonah Bang, Huijeong Hwang, Taehyun Kim, Hyunchae Cynn, Yong Park, Haemyeong Jung, Changyong Park, Dmitry Popov, Vitali B. Prakapenka, Lin Wang, Hanns-Peter Liermann, Tetsuo Irifune, Ho-Kwang Mao, Yongjae Lee, “The stability of subducted glaucophane with the Earth’s secular cooling,” Nat. Commun. 12, 1496 (2021). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-21746-8


Curved lines represent individual subduction geotherms from Syracuse et al.19. Continuous and dashed curves denote the PT paths of subducting slab surfaces and corresponding slab Moho, respectively. The Tonga and Kermadec represent cold subducting slab, whereas the North Cascadia and South Chile represent warm subducting slabs. Black lines represent the upper- and lower-pressure stability of glaucophane from previous studies33,34,39, while black dashed lines represent related reactions40,6163. The colored trilateral regions from top to bottom represent high, intermediate, and low geothermal gradients (δT/δDepth), as defined by Brown and Johnson3. The forbidden zone is a PT region of ultrahigh pressures, where many numerical models predict slab-top geotherms of <5 °C km1(ref.64). High-temperature experiments at ambient pressure were performed as a reference (Supplementary Fig. 9). Phase abbreviations: glaucophane (Gl), jadeite (Jd), enstatite(En), albite (Ab), talc (Tlc), quartz (Qtz), coesite (Cs), and fluid (F).