Constraining the Density Evolution During Destruction of the Lithospheric Mantle in the Eastern North China Craton

The thermoelastic properties of minerals in mantle xenoliths combined with the thermal states can provide an integrated understanding of the petrophysics of the lithospheric mantle. Here, we conducted high-pressure and high-temperature experiments on the main minerals (e.g. olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, spinel, and garnet) in peridotite xenoliths from basalt of the eastern North China Craton (NCC) using in situ synchrotron single-crystal X-ray diffraction combined with diamond anvil cells. The pressure-temperature-volume data were fitted to the third-order Birch-Murnaghan equations of state and yielded the thermoelastic parameters that included bulk modulus, pressure and temperature derivatives, and thermal expansion coefficients. The density profiles of the eastern NCC during the destruction process since the Mesozoic are presented from the temporal and spatial aspects. The lithospheric density dramatically decreased during destruction, and high heat flow may have been a trigger. The spatially distributed density profile also provides firm evidence for lateral heterogeneities in the eastern NCC. This may suggest that the present mantle is characterized by heterogeneous destruction of the NCC.

Zhilin Ye, Dawei Fan, Qizhe Tang, Jingui Xu, Dongzhou Zhang, Wenge Zhou, Constraining the density evolution during destruction of the lithospheric mantle in the eastern North China Craton, Gondwana Research, 2020.abstract

Tectonic subdivision of the eastern North China Craton. Localities with mantle xenoliths are reported from Cenozoic basalts (red circles) and Mesozoic basalts (red squares). The dotted lines indicate areas with different heat flow values according to the data of Jiang et al. (2019). Red represents the high heat flow region (67 mW/m2) in the Bohai Bay Basin, purple represents the medium heat flow region (60 mW/m2) in the Zhoukou Basin, and blue represents the low heat flow region (56 mW/m2) around Beijing and Hebei. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)