GSECARS Hosts Virtual Hands-On Microtomogoraphy Tutorial Sessions

Dr. Mark Rivers at GSECARS hosts a virtual hands-on tutorial sessions on synchrotron computed microtomography.

This event included an introductory lecture on synchrotron radiation and computed microtomography. There was then a tour of the 13-BM-D experimental station at the APS, where a sample was loaded for measuring. Doug Schmitt from Purdue University gave a brief talk about the origin and importance of the sample. Data on several samples were then collected. This was followed by a talk about the tomography reconstruction process, and a demonstration using the data collected on Doug’s samples.

Tutorial Documents

Virtual Hands-On Tutorial (Oct 29, 2020)

This is the first of two sessions hosted by Dr. Mark Rivers.  This session was hosted on October 29th, 2020.

Virtual Hands-On Tutorial (Oct 30, 2020)

This is the second of two sessions hosted by Dr. Mark Rivers.  This session was hosted on October 30th, 2020.